Our Story

Kollektiv Rainbow brought a new kind of music and partys/raves to Cottbus.

Founded by Dustin (STN) and Dima (DMA), Kollektiv Rainbow started with a love for Hard Techno with extreme bass pressure.

Kollektiv Rainbow is quickly becoming the heart of the Hard Techno scene in Cottbus. It isn't just STN and DMA; DJs like Mimi and 7Lemon are adding their magic too since the very beginning. Kollektiv Rainbow's events, like the first rave ever called "Hard Techno to Hi-Tech" at Eventclub, Muggefug, Scandale and "Pure Hard Techno Rave" at Alt Strböitz are not just parties as you know them – they are unforgettable ravy nights that brought Hard Techno a scene in Cottbus.

At every Kollektiv Rainbow event, there is a special feeling in the air. It is a place where everyone, especially the LGBTQ+ community, can feel welcome and have fun. The music, whether Hard Techno, Tekk or something experimental, is always full of energy and loaded with extreme bass pressure like nowhere else in Cottbus, making everyone want to dance and go wild on a diffrent level than you might think. Kollektiv Rainbow made sure each party was a joyful and exciting experience.

Even when things got tough, like when the music once knocked out the whole power in the building, because to much power was used by the subwoofers to generate bass pressure, Kollektiv Rainbow handled it with ease. The music and fun were back in no time, showing how great Kollektiv Rainbow was at keeping the party going.

Kollektiv Rainbow was more than a group throwing parties. They played a big role in bringing people together in Cottbus to enjoy awesome Hard Techno and Tekk music.